
Vintage Plush Teddy bear Bamse

  • Brands Maria Bears
  • Product Code: MB-Bamse
  • Availability: Teddy bear has found his home


Many of us in our childhood probably had a favorite Teddy bear. Someone still has it today. Teddy bear "Bamse Flower" will definitely be able to become such a friend for you. Natural material. nice weight, short pile, make the bear "Bamse" an excellent candidate for plush Pets. Add to this a kind and sincere look, positive energy and positive emotions of the author-we get a beautiful, kind, hugging bear!

Main materials Cotton plush 100%, flax (linen) 100%
Eye material Glass
Filler material Wood chip and glass grnules
Height 31 cm, 12.2 inch
Width 20 cm, 7.8 inch
Weight 480 gr, 1.06 lb
Fixing Cotter pins and discs fibre

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